Being able to stay

I am Elena and I am from Italy. I selected this project because it was one of the few that allowed me to be in contact with the beneficiaries and because I have always been curious about living in an eastern country.

The first days here were really hard for me. Before moving to Georgia, I was afraid of the potential linguistic difficulties. Then, when I arrived, I found that all my fears were real.

Most of the people of Zugdidi don't speak English, except for the youth.

My main problem is that, during my daily life, I have to interact with mean age or old people who usually only speak Georgian or Russian. I also live in a family with two old people and their son.

Communication difficulties strongly frustrated me. Despite this, they pushed me to find the few expats who live here. 

I know these manners of saying which really expressed my mood and feelings: “drink or drown” or “when life gives you lemons, make a lemonade”.

A good idea was to go to the library where, at the American Corner, I found people of my age from the United States who joined a program to teach English here.

Another good place to find people is Megobar which is a pub frequented by youth and some foreigners. In this way I could meet someone to talk with and who shared an experience similar to mine.

Also being selected with another Italian volunteer is a good resource.

Here we have the opportunity to follow Georgian lesson as well. Even if I, after one month, I only learned some words, I can say that it is better than nothing.

At Merkuri, Olga is our trainer and She gives us a weekly space where we can share our feelings and problems. I personally find it useful. 

I have just started the job, so I don’t know what to expect yet.

From what I experienced, Georgian people are welcoming and their food is very good.

Life here is cheaper than Italy: for example a middle pint in a pub costs 3 GEL which is almost 1 euro and the same is for the street food: you can have a meal for less than 3 euro.

What I hope to learn from this experience is to accept the impossibility of controlling any life situations, because events and relationships are not always predictable.

So, my aim for the future is to improve my ability of “being able to stay” within situations and events that are difficult to control or predict.


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