3 months - half way.

So it is official - half of my volunteering experience has passed already. What are my thoughts, you would ask?

1. We have done several focus groups with the locals, including medical staff, teachers and beneficiaries. They provided us with some facts from the field concerning women's situation in the region.
2. The interviewers have been trained to do the survey. So the survey has officially started.
3. We are moving soon to a brand new office :)
4. I wrote a project proposal about stray dogs in Samegrelo

Personal life:

1. I did some more travelling :) Which is always great :)

2. New volunteers arrived  to Merkuri from Poland and Italy :) I also met some great people from other organizations.
3. We discovered more fancy restaurants in Zugdidi - like hotel Leto with a terrace and swimming pool on the rooftop :)
4. My Georgian Grandpa collected the grapes and will make 100 litres of wine ! The wine season is ON!
4. More doggy friends :)

So all good. More work and more fun :)


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